学历/学位:博士 degree / degree:phd
职称/职务:讲师 title:lecturer
研究方向:作物遗传育种、作物生物化学、作物分子生物学 category:crop genetics and breeding,crop biochemistry and molecular biology
师资类型:教学科研系列 class of teachers:teaching and research
2004.09-2008.07 山东农业大学生命科学学院,生物工程,工学学士
2010.09-2013.07 四川农业大学生命科学与理学院,生物化学与分子生物学,理学硕士
2013.09-2016.12 四川农业大学农学院,生物化学与分子生物学,理学博士
2014.08-2015.08 美国明尼苏达大学交流学习
(1)主持四川省科技厅应用基础研究项目“小麦高分蘖成穗位点qtn.sicau-2d.2的精细定位和候选基因克隆”, 2021-2023
(1)zhi li#, qing jiang, tao fan, liqi zhao, zhenglong ren, feiquan tan, peigao luo,tianheng ren*.molecular cytogenetic and physiological characterization of a novel wheat-rye t1rs.1bl translocation line from secale cereal l. weining with resistance to stripe rust and functional“stay green”trait,international journal of molecular sciences, 2022, 23(9), 4626.
(2)zhi li#, zhenglong ren, feiquan tan, peigao luo,tianheng ren*.molecular cytogenetic characterization of novel 1rs.1bl translocation and complexchromosome translocation lines with stripe rust resistance. international journal of molecular sciences,2022, 23(5), 2731.
(3)ren tianheng#*, fan tao, chen shulin, chen yongyan, ou xia, jiang qing, peng wanhua, ren zhenglong, tan feiquan, luo peigao,li zhi*. identification and validation of quantitative trait loci for functional stay green traits in common wheat (triticum aestivuml.) via high-density snp-based genotyping, theoretical and applied genetics, 2022, 135: 429-1441.
(4)ren tianheng#*, fan tao, chen shulin, chen yongyan, ou xia, jiang qing, peng wanhua, ren zhenglong, tan feiquan, luo peigao,li zhi*. qtl mapping and validation for kernel area and circumference in common wheat via high-density snp-based genotyping, frontiers in plant science, 2021, 12, 713890.
(5)ren tianheng#*, fan tao, chen shulin, li chunsheng, chen yongyan, ou xia, jiang qing, ren zhenglong, tan feiquan, luo peigao, chen chen,li zhi*. utilization of a wheat55k snp array-derived high-density genetic map for high-resolution mapping of quantitative trait loci for important kernel-related traits in common wheat, theoretical and applied genetics, 2021, 134(3): 807-821.
(6)ren tianheng#*, sun zixin, ren zhenglong, tan feiquan, luo peigao, tang zongxiang, fu shulan,li zhi*. molecular and cytogenetic characterization of a wheat-rye 7bs.7rl translocation line with resistance to stripe rust, powdery mildew and fusarium head blight, phytopathology, 2020, 11 (10): 1713-1720
(1)川农32, 小麦新品种,2017年通过四川省审定,2018年通过国家审定,排名第十。
(2)嘉农麦809, 小麦新品种,2018年通过四川省审定,排名第四。